Dr. Daniela Toro is Board Certified Orthodontist with a private practice in Burlington, MA. She became the owner of Burlington Orthodontics 6 years ago. She is originally from Venezuela and moved to the US to pursue her MSD in Orthodontics and DMD degree from Boston University. She is married to her highschool sweetheart, Cesar, and is the mother of three young daughters, Sofia (7), Emilia (5) and Daniela (2y). She is also a former clinical instructor at the Orthodontic Department at Boston University and currently invited to participate in lectures. Dr. Toro is also on a personal journey to create awareness about the risks of breast implants. Having had breast implants placed 17 years ago without knowing any risks and implications of breast implant illness or BII, she has dedicated herself to educate other women. After learning about BII and seeing it first hand, being a mother of three young daughters, she decided to have explant surgery to remove her breast implants. She is very open about her experience and has guided many other women in their explant journeys as well. She believes that information is power.