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About MDIB Community

Largest Niche Online Dental Community for moms

Mommy Dentists in Business is a group of moms that are dentists. Most of us are business owners and recognize that we are leaders responsible for our team. We value time with our family and being mothers and understand that it takes a village to be successful. We are here to support one another and share not only our ideas and resources, but our successes and struggles as well.

Mommy Dentists in Business was started June of 2017 by Dr. Grace Yum, while on a business trip with her husband. She noticed how lawyers connected and networked with one another and felt that dentistry was missing that component of comraderie. The Facebook group was a way to connect dentists from all over the world, especially dentists like herself, moms that are business owners.


Our team is growing, and we are always here for you.

F. A.Q.s

Answers for membership, accounts and sponsorships.


Industry leaders share advice for this pandemic.


Media resources and sponsorship opportunities

Our Vision

The vision of Mommy Dentists in Business is to create and nurture a membership platform that can provide services such as educational platforms through the podcast, webinar series, and live events by involving experts in the industry alongside dental and non dental vendors to bring value to doctors’ lives.

Join the Hive!

Become an Official Member today! We are a group of mombosses who share best practices and support one another in our journey as entrepreneurs and moms.

This website is a central hub for our members to find webinars, events, podcasts, and discounts to our many participating vendors.

"For so many years as a solo practitioner I had to try to figure things out on my own and finding this amazing tribe of women really changed the way I practice as having people to compare products with or bounce ideas off makes such a difference. I know how much work it takes to run the group so I found a lot of value in becoming a paid member and helping to support the group and all the wonderful things it brings to my everyday life.”
Dr. Crista Walker
British Columbia, Canada

Regional Chapters

Find your local hive and connect with other mombosses in your area!

"I love the help, support, camaraderie, and sisterhood that MDIB gives. I have been in study clubs that were and are supportive, but NONE of the men “get it” when you’re a woman in the “ol’ boy’s club”.....and as such, you’re also an outnumbered mom, wife, business owner, etc. I have FOUND MY PEOPLE. I have also found NEW best friends who actually “get me!” This is just mind-blowing to me and at such a needed time in my life. My other friends (and family) can only understand so much of what we go through. I’m so glad and PROUD to be a paid member, regional leader, and fellow MBID! "
Dr. Nicci Lambert Hurcomb
South Bend, IN