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249: Interview with Doctor in Physical Therapy & regular Yoga Practitioner, Dr. Shital Palan

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The conversation in this episode is both educational and empowering, as guest Dr. Shital Palan offers insights and advice on how to maintain optimal pelvic floor health and prevent common issues such as incontinence and pelvic pain. Episode 249 is available for download on all of the top podcast platforms or listen now by clicking the player above!

Episode highlights:

-Learn the clinical definition of the pelvic floor and what it does  

-Discover common dysfunctions with the pelvic floor after childbirth

-Dr. Thakkar talks about what pelvic floor physical therapy looks like and how long therapy typically lasts

-Learn what pelvic floor dysfunctions occur as we age and approach menopause

-Dr. Thakkar shares her tips to improve pelvic floor health 

Meet this week’s guest:

Shital Palan is a Doctor in Physical Therapy , trained Indian Classical dancer and regular Yoga Practitioner. Born and raised in India , she has been practicing Physical Therapy for 15 years now and currently resides in Chicago where she practices in Orthopedic Clinical Setting and specializes in Women’s Pelvic Health . Shital is  passionate about treating women who suffer in all kinds of pelvic issues to help them return back to their life without limitations and enable them to do what they love doing . Her mission is to normalize conversations around Pelvic Health at all phases of a woman’s life and build awareness amongst women who suffer in silence especially after childbirth and educate them on the “ false normals” our medical system may have defined for them. 

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