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Utilizing an Anesthesiologist for In-Office Sedation


The need for in-office sedation is greater than ever. With the growing complexity of dental treatment plans and surgeries, our patients want and deserve to be comfortable in the chair. For pediatric providers, OR time is becoming scarce as hospitals push out dentists and seek more profitable procedures for their facilities. Fortunately, with Dental Anesthesiology becoming a recognized specialty by the ADA in 2019, there has been an increase in sedation providers as well as familiarity by dentists. But is in-office sedation safe, worthwhile, and profitable? Adding this service to your practice can be daunting. We will discuss what to expect when working with an anesthesiologist.


 Review the different levels of sedation
 Learn which patients are appropriate for in-office sedation
 Become familiar with the sedation options and providers available
 Discuss what skills and staff are needed for safe sedation
 Identify practical considerations and logistics for in-office sedation

Special Guest(s):

Dr. Monica Tiu

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