This week’s episode features attorney, TV anchor and author, Heather Hansen, who will teach you the tools to advocate and turn the people around you into your advocates. Episode 229 is available for download now on all of the top podcast platforms or listen now by clicking the player above!
Episode highlights:
-What is advocacy and why is it so important that Mommy Dentists learn to advocate
-Learn the three c’s of an advocate
-Discover your Inner Jury and learn how to build belief within it
Meet this week’s guest:
Heather Hansen know how to build belief. She was a trial attorney for over 20 years and was consistently named one of the Top 50 Female Attorneys in Pennsylvania. She combines that experience with her psychology degree, her mediation training. and her experience as a TV anchor to help her clients build belief and advocate for their ideas, products and services.
She’s been an anchor at the Law and Crime Network and has appeared on The Today Show, CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and CBS. She’s worked with Harvard Business School, Google, LVMH, Sav A Tree, and the American Medical Association among others.
Heather is the author of the best-seller “The Elegant Warrior: How to Win Life’s Trials Without Losing Yourself” and the host of The Elegant Warrior podcast. Heather’s latest book is Advocate to Win-10 Tools to Ask for What You Want and Get It.
Find us on Social Media: @MommyDentistsinBusinessMediaNetwork @HeatherHansen @advocatetowin
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