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CAMBRA Protocols for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics


Minimally invasive dental treatment is becoming more commonplace for the modern practitioner, however, the most conservative treatment option available remains prevention. Patients requiring any form of prosthetic care present with a higher risk for developing recurrent decay following treatment. The clinician’s ability to recognize potential risk, diagnose disease, and ultimately implement caries management protocols, will play a significant role in establishing more predictable and long-term success outcome for these patients.


1. Recognize the most common trends in caries management.
2. Determine the significant role of oral pH and salivary flow in the caries process.
3. Identify the disease indicators, pathogenic processes, and the protective factors for individual patients requiring fixed and removable treatment.
4. Implement a caries management by risk assessment protocol into day-to-day clinical practice for all patients undergoing prosthetic care.

Special Guest(s):

Dr. Miles Cone

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