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Live Webinar Details

The Energetic Cost of Wealth


How do you strip away everything that is not congruent with your authentic self so you can embody the wealth you deserve?

As women, we are often taught that to be successful, we must embrace an abundance mindset as defined by our family, friends, and peers. We make vision boards, celebrate milestones with status symbols, and aim to achieve a perfect balance of work and personal life. On the surface, it can look like we have it all. But are you attracting what you truly desire?

In The Energetic Cost of Wealth, Dr. Victoria Peterson will help you name your deepest desires, confront that which scares you the most, and create an environment that can help you shift your mindset so you can reclaim your wealth and self-worth.


1) Identify the lies you tell yourself in order to become deeply authentic and truthful.
2) Describe where courage can be applied to bring you closer to wealth embodiment.
3) Understand how to face what is in front of you today without the attachment of what it was yesterday.

Special Guest(s):

Dr. Victoria Peterson

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