Zeeba is an internationally experienced Ayurvedic clinician, meditation teacher, energy healer and motivational speaker who uses holistic treatment to restore her patients’ mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and to prevent disease and disorders. She has presented month-long workshops to corporate clients, including some well-known global leaders. She has also led meditation and yoga workshops at schools internationally to incorporate wellness education into their curriculum. She has explored different types of non-religious and religion-based meditations and uses them as part of her treatments. She is also a leading practitioner with Mindvalley’s Soulvana, a global healing and meditation collective, where her meditations and podcast have helped many people around the world. In 2020, she was honored by an invitation to be part of a live interactive session hosted by His Holiness The Dalai Lama on the topic of integrated healthcare and compassion. Zeeba is trained and certified in the Ayurveda Sciences at Union Yoga Ayurveda, affiliated with Atreya Ayurvedic Medical College and the Indian Institute of Patanjali Yoga, associated with Swami Paramahansa Samsthana, and a registered member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, USA.
It’s known that Ayurvedic wellness plans and treatments produce 33-67% more effective results than conventional, Western treatments. Natural treatment options are also helpful when you’d like to buffer some side effects of prescription medications.
You don’t have to choose between conventional and holistic medicine. Both can play a role in improving your health. Learn more about Zeeba at www.zeebahealing.com/packages-rates and on Instagram @zeebahealing