Live Webinar Details
Predictable Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry
- May 17, 2022 @ 8:00 PM CST
This course will deal with numerous aspects of comprehensive restorative aesthetic dentistry and efficient patient care in today’s dental practice. We will discuss how to make routine dental procedures such as adhesion and direct resins more predictable and efficient using the latest material technologies. Also discussed will be the indirect restoration protocol including preparation design for the current restorative materials and the use of impression materials vs digital technologies. Insertion protocols will also be addressed to aide the clinician in developing a foolproof method to deliver high quality, long-lasting restorations.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the attendee will be able to:
-Understand the current adhesive systems as compared to previous generations
-Understand the preparation design requirements for ceramic and zirconia restorations
-Understand the difference between using traditional analog vs digital impression techniques
-Manage tissue properly to aid in the insertion process of indirect restorations
-How to properly treat various indirect restorative materials prior to insertion
-Decide on which insertion technique to use based on the type of restoration

Special Guest(s):
Dr. Christopher Pescatore
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Additional Notes
- Webinar Registration Closes ONE HOUR prior to Webinar Start Time
- Payment must be received by webinar start time. No registrations will be approved after the webinar begins.
- Attendee Must be Present for 90% fo webinar running time in order to be eligible for continuing education credits